Gordon Thomas Honeywell DNA (GTH DNA)

Since 1999 Gordon Thomas Honeywell DNA (GTH DNA) has been known as the world’s foremost expert on forensic DNA database policy, law, and project development. Having advised crime labs, law enforcement, government officials, and the private sector in over 60 countries, GTH DNA is a trusted global partner. GTH DNA strives to provide highly-regarded professional services to advance effective and responsible forensic DNA programs.

Depending on the type of project, GTH DNA is typically sponsored by organizations in the private sector or government entities. With almost 25 years of international experience, GTH DNA is confident that its information, global network, and dynamic strategies can advance forensic DNA database policy and projects in any country.

At GTH DNA, our mission is to provide strategic advice and consultation to governments and law enforcement organizations throughout the world on the immense and unmistakable value forensic DNA programs and databases can bring to solving crime, protecting society’s most vulnerable, and exonerating the innocent. To accomplish this mission, we have assembled a highly-experienced global team dedicated to forensic DNA policy and project advancement.
