Nicola Oldroyd Clark

Nicola Oldroyd Clark has 30 years’ experience in Forensic DNA testing. Her career started with the UK Forensic Science Service, developing new multiplex STR techniques and helping to establish the UK National DNA Database. A long tenure at Applied Biosystems/Life Technologies followed in a variety of technical and marketing roles supporting CE-based DNA testing and the last 10 years have been spent focusing on forensic Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) methods at Illumina and then Verogen in commercial sales roles.

Following the recent acquisition of Verogen by QIAGEN, Nicola is now Senior Director of Commercial Operations in the HID and Forensics team where currently she has a particular focus on empowering missing persons programs using NGS and the development of Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG) in geographies outside North America.
